Bible Verses On A TopicTopics God Blessing Come As You Are Commandments Curse Financial Blessing Free Will God's Grace God's Love God's Will God's Timing I Will Never Leave You Miracles Names of God Offerings Plans Being Saved Trinity Time Unconditional Love Viruses / Diseases Who God Is Good Character Acceptance Abstinence Accountability Boldness Caring Cleanliness Commitment Confidence Contentment Courage / Brave Compassion Discipline Faith Grateful Hospitality Humble / Humility Honest Honor Integrity Kindness Love Modesty Mercy Patience Sanctification Self-Control Trust Bad Character Anger Betrayal Bullying Bitterness Complaining Conflict Fear Foolish Hypocrite Jealousy Judgmental Lazy Pride Revenge / Vengeance Vanity Violence Sins Abortion Addiction Adultery Apostasy Cursing Divorce Envy Fornication Gluttony Gossip Greed Hate Lust Lying Masturbation Procrastination Theft Life Aging Animals Adoption Birthday Beauty Being Alone Dating Death Depression Disappointment Discernment Exercise Ethics Fasting Finding Love Focus Family Food Guilt Health Happiness Hell Infertility Job Loss Loss Mental Illness Music Marriage Putting God First Pain Parenting Struggle Sex Trials Temptation Verse For Men Verses For Women War Wealth Widows Church Attending Church Birth Of Jesus Church Persecution Deacons False Teachers Going To Heaven Holy Spirit Messiah In The Bible Pastors Praising God Parables From Jesus Pentecost Speaking in Languages Tithing Worship Womens Roles Mysteries Aliens Cancer Destiny Dinosaurs Dragons Dreams Flat / Round Earth Giants in the Bible Last Days / Future Unicorns Angels and Demons Archangels Angels Beelzebub Demons Guardian Angels Lucifer Sorcerer / Magic Math Signs Number 3 Number 5 Number 7 Number 8 Number 10 Additional Alcohol Abundance Abomination Broken Heart Cannibalism Death Penalty Drugs Evil Emotions Halloween Helping the Poor Miscarriage Police Officers Piercings Polygamy Revival Sadness Science Self Defence Slavery Suicide Talent Tattoos Work Additional: [Miscarriage] Ecclesiastes 11:5Isaiah 26:3Isaiah 41:10Isaiah 49:15Jeremiah 1:5Jeremiah 29:11Matuš 5:4Veseli t'aven le nekežime, ke avena len mila!Psalms 34:18Rimanenge 8:28Ame žianas, so mai si, ke o Del kerel mištimos kudalensa kai si lenge drago o Del, kudala kai si akharde sar vo kamlias.1 Samuel 1:27-28Filipanenge 4:6-7[6] Te na daran khančestar; numa anda sa le dieli keren te žianel o Del so trubul tumen katar le řudjimata ai le mangimata, te naisin les. [7] Ai e patia le Devleski, kai si mai but sar sa le godia, arakhela tumare ile ai tumare ginduri ande o Jesus Kristo. Isaiah 55:8-92 Korinťanenge 1:3-5[3] Svintsime t'avel o Del, o Dad amare Baresko o Jesus Kristo, o Del la milako ai o Del kai zuriarel, [4] kai zuriarel amen ande sa amare nekazo, eta ke, katar e zor kai ame si amen katar o Del, ame te šai zuriaras kudalen kai si ande o nekazo! [5] Ke, sar liam but dukha le Kristoske sa jekh fialo lasa jekh baro mištimos katar o Kristo. Psalms 139:13-16 Romani Bible 2004 © Alliance biblique française 2004