Bible Verses On A TopicTopics God Blessing Come As You Are Commandments Curse Financial Blessing Free Will God's Grace God's Love God's Will God's Timing I Will Never Leave You Miracles Names of God Offerings Plans Being Saved Trinity Time Unconditional Love Viruses / Diseases Who God Is Good Character Acceptance Abstinence Accountability Boldness Caring Cleanliness Commitment Confidence Contentment Courage / Brave Compassion Discipline Faith Grateful Hospitality Humble / Humility Honest Honor Integrity Kindness Love Modesty Mercy Patience Sanctification Self-Control Trust Bad Character Anger Betrayal Bullying Bitterness Complaining Conflict Fear Foolish Hypocrite Jealousy Judgmental Lazy Pride Revenge / Vengeance Vanity Violence Sins Abortion Addiction Adultery Apostasy Cursing Divorce Envy Fornication Gluttony Gossip Greed Hate Lust Lying Masturbation Procrastination Theft Life Aging Animals Adoption Birthday Beauty Being Alone Dating Death Depression Disappointment Discernment Exercise Ethics Fasting Finding Love Focus Family Food Guilt Health Happiness Hell Infertility Job Loss Loss Mental Illness Music Marriage Putting God First Pain Parenting Struggle Sex Trials Temptation Verse For Men Verses For Women War Wealth Widows Church Attending Church Birth Of Jesus Church Persecution Deacons False Teachers Going To Heaven Holy Spirit Messiah In The Bible Pastors Praising God Parables From Jesus Pentecost Speaking in Languages Tithing Worship Womens Roles Mysteries Aliens Cancer Destiny Dinosaurs Dragons Dreams Flat / Round Earth Giants in the Bible Last Days / Future Unicorns Angels and Demons Archangels Angels Beelzebub Demons Guardian Angels Lucifer Sorcerer / Magic Math Signs Number 3 Number 5 Number 7 Number 8 Number 10 Additional Alcohol Abundance Abomination Broken Heart Cannibalism Death Penalty Drugs Evil Emotions Halloween Helping the Poor Miscarriage Police Officers Piercings Polygamy Revival Sadness Science Self Defence Slavery Suicide Talent Tattoos Work Additional: [Tattoos] Leviticus 19:281 Korinťanenge 6:18-20[18] Našen katar e kurvetsia. Uni bezexa kai jekh manuš kerel si avri anda o stato; numa kudo kai del pe ka e kurvetsia kerel bezex korkořo vo pe pesko stato. [19] Či žianen tume ke tumaro stato si o templo katar o Svinto-Duxo kai si ande tumende, kai tume lian katar o Del, ai ke tume či san bare pe tumende? [20] Ke tume sanas kjinde pe jekh baro prešo. Luvudin kadia le Devles ande tumaro stato ai ande tumaro duxo, kai si le Devleske. Zjaveňie 19:16Sas pe lesko tsolo ai pe leski pulpa jekh anav ramome: Amperato le amperatongo ai Baro le barengo.1 Korinťanenge 10:23-31[23] Sa si slobodo, numa sa či trubul; sa si slobodo, numa sa či lašiarel. [24] Ke khonik te na rodel so si lašio leske, numa ke sako te rodel so trubul le kavres. [25] Xan sogodi bikjindiol pe o bazari, bi te les sama pala so si tu ande e godji; [26] ke le Devleske si e phuv ai sa sogodi si ande late. [27] Ke te si jekh kai či patial akharel tu gosto ai ke tu kames te žias, xa sogodi dena tu, bi te les sama khanči pala tjiri godji. [28] Numa te si varekon te phenel tuke: Kako si jekh sakrifiso, na xa, pala kodo kai phendias tuke, ai pala e godji. [29] Me dav duma kathe, na anda tumari godji, numa pala le kavreski. Sostar, čačes, muřo skipimos avela pe e kris katar e godji streino? [30] Te xava me le řudjimasa, sostar prasana ma pala jekh diela kai naisardem? [31] T'avela ke tume xan, t'avela ke tume pen, t'avela ke tume keren aver diela, keren sa pe e dragostia le Devleski. Efežanenge 5:10Len sama so si drago le Bareske;Deuteronomy 14:11 Korinťanenge 3:16-17[16] Či žianen tume ke tume san o templo le Devlesko, ai ke o Duxo le Devlesko bešel ande tumende? [17] te si varekon ke phagel o templo le Devlesko, o Del phagela les; ke o templo le Devlesko si svinto, ai tume san kudo templo. 1 Korinťanenge 9:27Numa me zurales ninkerav muřo stato ai kerav t'avel sar me kamav, daratar ke šai te šiuden vi man, pala ke dem duma le kavrenge.Rimanenge 12:1Me mangav tumen kadia, phralale, katar e mila le Devleski amenge, te den tumaro stato leske sar jekh sakrifiso živindo, avela tumendar sar jekh molebina vorta, svinto ai drago leske. Romani Bible 2004 © Alliance biblique française 2004